Orbitals and Structure of Ethylene

This is a sample chapter showing the valence bond orbitals of ethylene.

In ethylene, each carbon atom is sp2 hybridized. In sp2 hybrid orbitals the s-orbital is combined with two p orbitals to form 3 sp2 orbitals. Meanwhile the 3rd p orbital (here the pzis conserved. The model below shows the atomic and hybrid orbitals of an sp2 carbon. You can toggle the individual orbitals on and off with the buttons below.

Atomic Orbitals

Hybrid Orbitals

The double bond is formed from two distinct bonds. One sp2 orbital of each carbon are combined in phase to form a σ bond, as shown in the 3D model below. This σ bond is rotational symmetrical in the bond axis. Out of phase combination forms the antibonding σ* orbital.

Atomic Orbitals

Bonding Orbitals

The residual p orbitals of each carbon atom form the second bond. In phase overlap leads to a bonding π orbital, see 3D model below. This π orbital is not rotationally symmetrical around the bond axis, and therefore rotation around this bond is hindered as it would break the π bond. Out of phase addition produces the antibonding π* orbital.

Atomic Orbitals

Bonding Orbitals

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